In almost every state, you are required to have car insurance. This is to protect you if an accident occurs, eliminating some of the financial burdens of having to pay for a repair or medical costs.
Motorcycle insurance works in a similar way to car insurance. You buy different levels of coverage for different protection. The coverage includes liability in case you are responsible for another person's injuries or damage to their vehicle. Standard insurance will cover some portion of the costs associated with damage to your motorcycle. It will also provide proper compensation if you harm another person. Known as bodily injury and property damage liability, your liability coverage covers the cost of liability claims and their corresponding legal fees.
Is Motorcycle Insurance Required?
Typically, requirements for motorcycle insurance mirror requirements for car insurance. But that may not be the case for every state. The only state where motorcycle insurance is not required is in the state of Montana and Washington. In Texas, motorcycle insurance is not only recommended but also legally mandated.
The benefit of Motorcycle Insurance in Texas
All drivers are expected to have the ability to prove financial responsibility if they are involved in an accident. You can verify this responsibility through the purchase of an insurance policy.
When it comes to how much insurance will cost, it will mainly be dependent on factors of the driver and the type of motorcycle used. It is generally recommended to buy additional coverage, especially if your bike is worth a significant amount of money or you have viable assets.
In Texas, if you're caught without minimum insurance coverage, you can face potential fines and may even have your motorcycle impounded.
About RW Insurance
RW Insurance Services Inc. caters to motorcyclists in the state of Texas. Our online rating tool will help you find the proper coverage for you and your motorcycle.